About Us

HUGH FUTRELL CORPORATION is an integrated planner, developer, builder and asset manager of mixed-use midrise buildings, single family housing subdivisions, market-rate and rent-restricted multifamily residential projects, hotels, office and retail complexes, and healthcare facilities.
WE HELP COMMUNITIES THRIVE, grow, sustain, remember the past and write the future.
At Hugh Futrell Corporation, we believe developers and builders have a moral responsibility. Each building, each subdivision, each development either adds to or subtracts from the richness of community life. It makes the community a better place—or a worse one.
We demand good design, and feel an obligation to work within urban boundaries, rather than sprawl across agricultural lands. We strive to protect and strengthen old neighborhoods and create true and vital new ones. We have a responsibility to help make city centers thrive and meet the social needs of the community. We seek to make it easier for people to live near their workplaces, and for their living and work environments to be worth living and working in. We define success by how well we achieve these goals.
Hugh Futrell Corporation projects thrive on the synergy that springs from our unusual breadth and strong business relationships. We emphasize professionalism and creative problem solving. We pride ourselves on big picture perspective and meticulous attention to detail, and our deep understanding of the communities where we work.
We strive for excellence in design—harmony and human scale, colors and materials. For excellence in purpose—to serve the needs of the whole range of the people of a community. For excellence in accountability—to always strive to do better. Perfection is impossible, but at Hugh Futrell Corporation, the drive for excellence is not a slogan. It’s a value that infuses and animates our work.
The communities we live in are more than roads and utility lines, buildings and yards, fences and sidewalks. A community is a place that helps make life worth living—not for a few, not for some, but for all. At Hugh Futrell Corporation, we strive to build environments that inspire and serve community needs. As individuals, our team members give back to the community in multiple volunteer service and leadership roles.
At Hugh Futrell Corporation, every project is a collaboration. Success is a shared venture; accountability, a shared obligation. Our rich professional ecosystem of architects, designers, consultants, lenders, investors, and public partners—developed over decades in business—is foundational to our effectiveness. Meet our Leadership team.